Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hi there!

I should be in bed now, really, I should. Especially with my son's wacky sleep schedule. Jonah randomly wakes up throughout the night and has since he was about 5 months old... GAH! He is 10 months old now, you'd think he'd sleep all the way through the night, right? Wrong! It's like this: He started sleeping through the night at 2 months old. Josh (my husband) and I thought "Oh, guess we lucked out again! He is sleeping through the night! What a good baby!". Then out of nowhere at 5 months, bam! Wakes up at least once a night... What gives? I wish I knew. I'm just hoping that this doesn't last forever, especially since we will be having our 3rd baby (BOY) by the end of March. Ohh lord, I will be tired.. Especially since I am going to be breastfeeding this one. Should be interesting and not at all exhausting! Hehe, yeah right ;) 

Well, my eyelids are getting droopy. I should probably hit the hay before the little one disturbs my peaceful slumber. Nighty night!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Its been about 6 months since..

I updated! Oops :) I want to try and start updating my blog every day or every other day. I think it could be fun.

News about me: I'm pregnant... again! We are expecting our 3rd baby! Crazy isnt it?! I am due March 28, 2012. Jonah and the new baby will be about 14 months apart so this should be interesting. We are sort of hoping for a girl because my son is a trouble maker. LOL. But, either way I will be super thrilled! Now we just have to worry about moving into a house and buying a bigger vehicle before baby comes. No pressure of course ;)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lets compare, shall we?

Pregnancy with Kayleigh: 
Morning sickness starting at 7 weeks. Threw up at least 3 times a day for a couple months, and then it got better in my 2nd trimester. Couldn't eat, smell, or even SEE certain foods without puking. (such as KFC - could not even look at a commercial or I'd be sick... or chinese food. Yuck.)
Pregnancy with Jonah: A little nauseous at 7 weeks. Threw up probably twice my whole 1st trimester. No food aversions at all. I ate everything in sight, which is probably why I gained more with him than I did with my daughter). Though, I puked more than anything in my 3rd trimester with Jonah... and usually at night for some reason.

With Kayleigh, I had that pregnant "glow". With Jonah, I did not. (Well, at least according to my husband.) 

With Kayleigh, I pretty much had no pain or problems whatsoever the whole pregnancy, except for the minor aches when I got to be 8 months preggo...
With Jonah, it was everything you can think of! I was miserable..

With Jonah, I craved sweets like CRAZY! Seriously, that's all I ever wanted. With Kayleigh, I really never even thought twice about desserts. Didn't interest me.

Kayleigh - I had to be induced 2 days after my due date... so, 40 weeks + 2 days 
Jonah - Water broke at 11:30 p.m after playing a couple rounds of Mortal Kombat with my hubby, Josh. I was 37 weeks pregnant, and this happened the night OF my baby shower. lol
Kayleigh, I pushed for 45 minutes and was in excruciating pain the whole time.
Jonah, I pushed 3 minutes and he was out. I was in some pain prior to that but not NEARLY as much as my first labor... I could actually talk during contractions with this one and wasn't clutching the hospital bed rail like I was going to die. So, that says alot :)

Kayleigh was 7lbs 5oz, 19 1/2 inches when she was born. Jonah was 6lbs 8 oz, 20 1/2 inches.

At the end of my pregnancy with Jonah, I had gained over 50 lbs.... With K, I gained 42.

Their birthdays are only one day apart. K was born Jan. 10, 2007 and Jonah was born Jan. 9, 2011 (I delivered both at the same hospital) so I think that is kind of cool. But I swear, I did NOT plan it like that. lol

And the 2 kids themselves are completely different. Kayleigh was such a good, content baby. Only cried when something was wrong (wanted to be fed or changed) and that was about it. Also, she has been an awesome sleeper since 8 weeks old.
But Jonah, not saying he is not a good baby, I love him to death.. but he definitely cries more than K did.. Pretty much cries about everything! But it's not his fault... The doctor said he has colic, but I think it's reflux. Some days he will be fine, all happy and smiley.. Then the next couple days following that, he will be so irritable and cranky until the point where he is crying inconsolably for a few hours at a time.. Which is when I feel like I'm going crazy. but then he gives me a big gummy smile and it's all better. Haha. Being a mother to 2 is exhausting but I wouldn't change it for ANYTHING. I love it so much.

Oh so tired

Today, I am exhausted. My mom works cleaning doctor's offices and hospitals, so last night I offered to come with her and help out on one of her jobs. (Yeah, I must've really been bored..lol). I got back home at 1:30 a.m. then once I got home, I was WIDE awake... so I did the dishes and surfed the net. Did not end up going to sleep until around 5 this morning because my 2 month old son Jonah woke up around 4. Fed him, changed him, put him back to sleep. He was up again around 7 a.m (yawn) and then again at 9ish... So needless to say, I'm tired! Right now I'm waiting for Josh to get back here and bring me an iced capp from Tim Hortons. I'd rather have Biggby.. but, eh. I'll manage. ;)

Also, we got a video/audio monitor for him last night. It's so cool to me because I never had one when my daughter, Kayleigh was a baby. It helps because I am so paranoid when it comes to my little man, so it's awesome not to have to go in the room all throughout the night to check on him and make sure his swaddling blanket didn't cover his face or anything. He will NOT sleep in that bassinet with out being swaddled! He's almost 3 months and still loves it.... I stopped swaddling my daughter when she was only a month old and she never minded. Then again, they are so completely different, I'm not surprised. Both of my pregnancies were as different as my 2 kids are. I will compare the two just for the hell of it in my next post, otherwise this one will be way too long! :)